Issue 107: Are You Letting Opportunities Slip By?
“When opportunity presents itself, don’t be afraid to go after it.”
- Eddie Kennison, Entrepreneur
For most of October and November, I've played volleyball with a respiratory challenge—it would go away, then volley back to me. Although I wouldn't want to maneuver through these symptoms again, which caused me to postpone my Ireland trip, there was an upside. During the rest time, which I flipped to call reflect time, I reviewed my 2022 goals, getting a jump start on this task that I usually kick off Thanksgiving weekend. The extra weeks enabled me to brainstorm changes I want to make for 2023 and how to add more value to my programs.
When you want a unique and interactive program, you want Bounce-Up™!
And the extra time allowed me to add one more exercise I'm calling Stuff Clients Say. So, with a notebook and pen in hand, I jotted down clients, workshop participants, and audience members' comments.
Some of my favorites included “I wish I could wake up every morning to your positivity” and “Could you hang out with us all the time?”
The one that threw me into brainstorming mode came from a managing director, a referral and the third division of a state organization that hired me. "We only had Mj for an hour and you had her for half a day.” She had made the comment to another director and it reminded me of the quote, "Our customers tell us what business we're in." Her comment launched a series of spinoff ideas for my keynote How to Pivot, Thrive and Bounce-Up™ During Change.
Could you, like me, miss new ways to serve your clients?
As my gift to help you jumpstart your 2023 brainstorming, download the Year-End Review and New Year Plan.
Bounce-Up™ Momentum Builders
Is there a gap in what you offer to clients?
Do your clients want to spend more time with you?
What resources can you add?
Mj Happenings
At the end of November, I presented a three-hour workshop, How to Pivot, Thrive and Bounce-Up During Change, for one of Pennsylvania's major health insurance agencies.
In January, my next digital program will drop. Stay tuned.
In February, I’m off to Detroit for a conference and will present two of my new workshop programs.
Until next time, Power-Up, Play-Up™, and Bounce-Up™!
P.S. Need gifts for colleagues or a group