Issue 042: Are You Predicting Your Success or Failure?


February makes me think of change, reinvention, and “leaping forward.” February reminds me of the idiom Leap of Faith. Maybe it’s associating the word leap with Leap Year. Or it could be knowing we’re closer to spring even if we have several inches or feet of snow, as is the case in New York, on the ground.

What does Leap of Faith mean to you?

Those dictionary brainiacs define Leap of Faith as an act of believing in or attempting something whose existence or outcome cannot be proved.

More than likely, you’ve taken a Leap of Faith in the past. I love Henry Ford’s quote because attitude and self-efficacy determine the outcome. Self-efficacy is one of my favorite words and means that unshakable belief in yourself to overcome any challenge and reach a goal. And that belief is vital when taking a Leap of Faith. When you think about it, all of us are taking a Leap of Faith to move beyond these odd times in our world and believe there are better times ahead.

And wouldn’t you rather focus on leaping forward or bouncing-up  than to think about the forgotten resolutions that slipped away, like the list of old leads or contacts you meant to call?

Before the pandemic, one client asked if I could shadow him on a sales appointment. “He’s never going to buy,” my client mumbled. Well, the buyer’s qualifications were a bit shaky. What I noticed was that my client’s shoulders slumped. His words impacted his body language, and he went into the meeting without his usual “Let’s get the sale” energy. His mind shifted to rejection before he started.*

Our success or failure starts with mindset. The internal words we think and the external ones we say dictate our emotions and actions. Mindset or mind-shift, as I like to call it, controls the words, which impacts our success or failure.

In my book Bounce-Up™, Jennifer, an executive leader, shared her struggle to move past being let go from her position. She stayed stagnant because she focused on the past. Her internal words continued down a negative spiral until she read a social post that connected with her. The post influenced Jennifer to create her new, positive message. “To welcome this opportunity, to embrace the change that will be, and for opportunities that match my abilities.” Jennifer shifted from reactive to proactive, and you know what? She found the perfect fit as an executive director for a non-profit organization.

Bounce-Up Momentum Builders

  • What internal or external message causes a shoulder slump?

  • What internal or external message do you need to change?

  • How can you incorporate a Leap of Faith this month?

Upcoming in February

  • Surprise Interview

  • Shift to Success

  • Against the Odds

What’s New with Mj?

This week I was blessed to be the featured guest for the Bounce-Up™ Book Club Kick-Off with MACC, a local Chamber. I loved meeting the members, answering their questions, and giving them some insights around getting the most out of the book. I can’t wait until Mar. 1st when I’m invited back for the wrap-up. I’ll keep you posted.

Until next time, have a Bounce-Up™ week!


P.S. Are you in a book club, or maybe you know someone in a book club? Bounce-Up™ makes an exciting book club feature, especially with all the chaos surrounding our current events.

Mj Callaway

Mj Callaway works with organizations that want to boost their resiliency during disruptions while increasing productivity and profits. As an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and corporate trainer, Mj is known for building team momentum, shifting attitudes, converting key strategies into fun activities, and getting results. Results that increase revenue!


Issue 043: Before You Take the Plunge


Issue 041: Cracking the Decision Code