Issue 051: How Would You Rate Your Gratitude Expression?

Mj Callaway issue 51 BounceUp Chronciles.jpg

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate yourself with expressing gratitude?

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been on both sides of gratitude, feeling grateful for someone’s actions and sensing someone’s lack of appreciation.

Before the pandemic hit, I started the Revenue Rescue Audit project that would be an in-person workshop. I shelved it until recently. During my mastermind meeting last Friday, I shared the need for specific topic questions, and I wasn’t thrilled with the ones I brainstormed nor the ones from (great resource). My friend Debbie Peterson of Getting to Clarity offered to help, using one of her apps that I didn’t have. Her generosity significantly reduced my work. Talk about being grateful. It’s actions like this that remind us how much kindness can influence our lives.

On the flip side, after willingly giving someone a considerable amount of time and resources, there wasn’t any expression of appreciation, such as Thank You. Being real here, at first, it didn’t feel good. Plus, I’m probably more aware of the topic because of spending time with gratitude expert Lisa Ryan. Why do some people easily express gratitude and others don’t?

Those who don’t express gratitude:

  • Have never had someone in their lives who modeled gratitude, so it doesn’t come naturally.

  • Have not intentionally practiced it.

  • Have so much happening in their lives that all their energies focused on staying afloat.

Three reasons to implement gratitude:

  1. Studies show grateful people are more satisfied with their lives. Imagine your business or workplace chockfull of people who love what they do.

  2. People decrease their toxic emotions and increase their positive emotions. Imagine your life surrounded by people bursting with positive emotions.

  3. We can build stronger relationships and trust through expressions of gratitude. Imagine dropping the barriers and having a stronger connection with more people in your life.   

Bounce-Up Momentum Builders

  1. What is one action you can take today to help others?

  2. How can you express gratitude for simple actions that could go unnoticed?

  3. How can you pay it forward?

Before I sign off, a BIG THANK YOU to all of you who support Bounce-Up Chronicles. I appreciate each of you. A heartfelt THANK YOU to my rock star assistant Amy Jones who works with my craziness and last-minute deadlines. Without her expertise and support, Bounce-Up™ Chronicles would not see its first anniversary. Amy, we did it. Thank you for all you do!

Mj Happenings

  • The TwentyWon in 21 author video series kicked off on March 31st to April 20th. Check out the daily interviews here.

  • Coming Soon: Build Your Business Power Team digital program is in the last stages of recording.

  • Next week: I’ll be at a business writing retreat.

Until next time, Power-Up, Play-Up, and Bounce-Up!


P.S. Fun surprises to come next week for our Bounce-Up Chronicles first anniversary.

P.S.S. I give myself an 7/8! 😊 I can always improve.

Mj Callaway

Mj Callaway works with organizations that want to boost their resiliency during disruptions while increasing productivity and profits. As an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and corporate trainer, Mj is known for building team momentum, shifting attitudes, converting key strategies into fun activities, and getting results. Results that increase revenue!


Issue 052: Let’s Celebrate + Countdown + Giveaways


Issue 050: How Questions Can Uncover Secrets