Issue 053: When a Project is Worth the Time

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This week wrapped up the “Twenty Won in 21” project that I started in February. Imagine scheduling and recording 21 women in a two-week timeframe and trying to fit in these interviews around everyone’s schedule. Did I say they were running businesses or non-profits in addition to being a contributing author to the book?! I learned several takeaways from this venture that I thought could be of value, resonate, or give you a chuckle or two.

  1. Tack on additional time. Are you like me and you underestimate the time a project takes? It’s crazy because I always shared this suggestion with my homeowners when I worked for a national builder. Although I didn’t need to worry about weather and supplies for the Twenty Won project, technology, gear, and user knowledge played vital parts in the length of the recording and editing sessions. This process reminded me to build in extra time when I’m diving into a new project or while working with a new business owner or sales training client.   

  2. Share the tough times. Being transparent, I don’t readily share the hard stuff. Maybe it’s because I’m the oldest with three brothers after me. Or I prefer to concentrate on the sunnier side of life. Only recently, since my second cancer diagnosis, have I opened up about tough times. During the 21 interviews, it hit home how many more people we can help when we share how we made it through adversity. We overcame a setback that could have kept us stuck.

  3. Uplevel your game. Like many of you, I’ve used Zoom for virtual meetings over the past few years. For this project, I wanted to improve my technology skills using Streamyard. Let me say, when I was a corporate sales trainer, IT was on speed dial. This streaming service provided a professional studio for a small monthly fee. (If you’re interested, use this link to get a discount.) After customizing my Streamyard studio with banners, brand colors, logos, and animations, I tested it with a colleague. I was ready, or so I thought. During one interview, we had sound issues. Megan held up a sign, “see chat.” Chat? Did it have a chatbox? Thanks, Megan. We underestimate our capabilities until we challenge ourselves.     

Was the project worth the time? Definitely…with a few changes. 😊 Besides propelling my streaming and editing skills forward faster, I have a fabulous playlist on YouTube Channel. From this project, a new business program will launch in June (stay tuned), and a business acceleration video series will kick off this month.  

Bounce-Up Momentum Builders

1.     Where do you find yourself underestimating the time something takes to complete?

2.     What is one area that could be tough for you to share?

3.     What skill can uplevel your game?

Mj Happenings

Until next time, have a bounce-up day!


P.S. Remember, this is our celebration month and for each share of Bounce-Up Chronicles or YouTube video, your name goes into a drawing to win a Bounce-Up package! 😊 

Mj Callaway

Mj Callaway works with organizations that want to boost their resiliency during disruptions while increasing productivity and profits. As an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and corporate trainer, Mj is known for building team momentum, shifting attitudes, converting key strategies into fun activities, and getting results. Results that increase revenue!


Issue 054: Do You Have What it Takes?


Issue 052: Let’s Celebrate + Countdown + Giveaways