Issue 098: Can Starters and Finishers Work Together?
“We are not a team because we work together; we are a team because we respect each other."
- Vala Afshar
In the last Bounce-Up™ Chronicles, we covered Starters and Finishers. The topic created some buzz. Several members asked, “How do I work with a Starter when I’m a Finisher?” And the Starters shared they needed some suggestions to work with Finishers.
For Finishers, when Starters unload an idea and an off-handed “work your magic” comment with no clear-cut direction, a Finisher could feel overwhelmed and frustrated. Reverse the scenario, and a Starter could get bogged down by an abundance of questions by a Finisher.
In one of my corporate positions, I created a “look book” project idea filled with essential photos of specific parts of the home-building process that we could show potential clients. I gave my assistant a sloppy idea of what to do. Then, I got distracted by a client meeting. Later, she walked into my office frustrated because she didn’t know where to start or what direction to take. She was in a motorless boat in the middle of the ocean because I, as a Starter, left out all the details.
Both Starters and Finishers want the same result—to complete the project. So, a little collaboration and communication can make it happen.
Whether you’re a Starter or Finisher, here are some ways to overcome our Starter/Finisher challenges and Bounce-Up™:
Recognize styles. Take time to assess if you’re working with a Starter or Finisher. Have a conversation. Find out if they like to jump into a project or complete it. Knowing these details will set you up for success. If you’re both Starters or Finishers, you’ll need the opposite person to balance your style.
Set expectations. Acknowledge you both work at different speeds. Ask questions. “What is the best way for me to give the project details?” “How would you like to receive the details? How would you like me to ask the questions via email or in person?” Define expectations from the get-go.
Be organized. Starters, organize your notes, examples, and resources before handing them over. Think about how you can streamline it for the Finisher. Finishers, how can you give an overview so that the Starter doesn’t feel bogged down in the details? When working with my operations admin, I email her a detailed project outline. Then, we have a call to walk through the list. This approach is very efficient.
Clarify steps. Starters, clarify the outcome you envision. Offer a list of action steps. Finishers, ask the questions you need to take action and leave out the process minutia.
Appreciate each other. Appreciate others for their personality styles. Be grateful for the Starter who can create something out of nothing. Be thankful for the Finisher who can take an incomplete project to the finish line.
A business without both styles would never get any projects to the finish line. No one gets a prize for starting a race.
Mj Happenings!
Watch for the June release of my newest book, Bounce-Up Principle.
Hear my podcast interview “Build Your Mental Capacity & Power Team for Success with Dr. Rhonda Bompensa-Zimmerman, host of WorkLife360.
On June 11th, I’ll be one of the featured speakers for a Speaker Showcase organized by Infinite Speakers. Want to attend as my guest? Email me for more details.
On June 12th, I’ll be the keynote speaker presenting Fearless Comebacks: Make Your Bounce Back Your Bounce-Up™ for the 33rd Annual Livewell Survivorship Celebration at The Priory.
Until next time, Power-Up, Play-Up™, and Bounce-Up™!
P.S. How do you work with a Starter or Finisher. Email me and share your tips!