Issue 100: What Makes YOU Different?
“In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different."
- Coco Chanel
Sometimes we do what we do and don’t always think about it.
At the end of one of my workshops, I asked the small audience of engineers, “What was your biggest takeaway?
“Your training isn’t one of those prepackaged programs,” answered the only physicist in the room.
Taken by surprise by the unexpected response, I asked, “What do you mean prepackaged programs?”
“It isn’t training in a box.”
It was a surprise because this particular person hadn’t said much during the entire day we worked together. Most people stayed away from him because others considered him wicked smart. However, his comment stirred several questions, and he gave me a completely different perspective around what made me different from other trainers he has had.
His comment came to mind as I jotted notes for another client in the healthcare industry that wants to increase revenue. One of my key questions to this organization was, “What makes you different?”
Sometimes, we’re so close to what we do that we can’t pinpoint what does make us different. You’ve likely heard me say, “Our clients tell us what business we’re in.” Our clients do when we listen. We don’t have to wait until a client shares a comment with us. Start the dialogue first using the questions below. You might be surprised by what your clients share with you.
Bounce-Up™ Momentum
Ask three to five current or past clients what was their biggest takeaway when working with you?
Ask, “what was the one technique, situation, or action that stuck with you” after we finished working together?
Ask, “How have I helped you?”
Mj Happenings!
Happy 100th Issue! Thank you, Chronicle Members, for being part of this 100th Issue. Thank you to my fabulous Operations Genius, Amy Jones, who keeps Mj Callaway Training & Development bouncing-up!
Next week, I will complete a five-week training program for a manufacturing company.
Last week, I finished a half-day with a healthcare organization.
Until next time, Power-Up, Play-Up™, and Bounce-Up™!
P.S. Stay tuned for the Bounce-Up™ Principle coming soon!