Issue 101: Have You Ever Made a Mistake?

“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.”
- Eleanor Roosevelt

What do you think is a frequent question podcast hosts ask? I'd love to hear what you think it would be. Leave a comment and let me know.

If you guessed, "What mistakes have you made?", you're right. The first time I heard this question, I paused. What mistakes haven't I made? 

When I taught writing classes at a local community college, I had a section called "Don't Make My Mistakes," and participants loved it. So, is it because we're giving behind-the-scenes insights or because we're raw—sharing our vulnerability? 

I recently met with a colleague who shared that he wanted to leave his full-time career to start a speaking business. In the conversation, he asked, "What was your number one mistake?"

"I've made plenty," I answered. 

Life is unpredictable. We learned that in 2020. Your personal life and business are more productive and profitable when you incorporate systems from the get-go. That was one of my biggest mistakes. 

Here's what I learned.

  1. Reverse engineer. What is the result you want? For service industries, it would be happy clients. Start at the end and work backward. Look at all your touchpoints and create a roadmap.

  2. Know what isn't a strength. Write your strengths on one side of a piece of paper and what isn't a strength, or what you prefer not to do, on the other side. Be upfront about what isn't a strength because building the right systems is crucial. For example, when I was working with a construction client, he had created this 20-step follow-up system. Knowing him, his strengths, and his business, he'd never use this in-depth plan. Instead, we simplified a system for him, including a few of the follow-up strategies from 13 Simple Client Follow-Up Strategies.

  3. Ask for specific help. Knowing what isn't a strength can guide you in asking for help. When I'm stuck reverse engineering a result, I reach out to one colleague who is a rock star in building systems. Why reinvent the wheel?

  4. Value others' expertise. Will it take you two or three times longer to complete a task? Does it make sense to bring in a team member? When I started Bounce-Up Chronicles, I knew my operations manager, Amy, had the expertise I needed to manage the backend of Chronicles. Thank you, Amy! 

Bounce-Up Momentum

  1. What have you learned from your mistakes?

  2. What is a task that keeps surfacing?

  3. What area of your professional life needs a system? 

Mj Happenings!

  • With my first conference booked for 2023, I'll head to Atlanta in February to present Power Team: Up-Level Your Game with Your Circle of Influence. 

  • I will kick off the opening keynote with Fearless Comeback, Make Your Bounce Back Your Bounce-Up, for the October Renal Healthcare Conference in Indianapolis. The director sent a fun brag badge. 

Until next time, Power-Up, Play-Up™, and Bounce-Up™!


P.S. Big news coming in August! Stay tuned!

Mj Callaway

Mj Callaway works with organizations that want to boost their resiliency during disruptions while increasing productivity and profits. As an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and corporate trainer, Mj is known for building team momentum, shifting attitudes, converting key strategies into fun activities, and getting results. Results that increase revenue!


Issue 102: Is Nourish a Weak Business Word?


Issue 100: What Makes YOU Different?