Issue 112: Who is Zapping Your Goals?
Mj’s new workbook is well underway!
When was the last time you reviewed the people closest to you? You know, the people you share your ideas, projects, and goals with? Are these people you’ve intentionally included in your circle of influence? Or have they slowly, unintentionally become part of your life?
I’ve mentioned Jim Rohn’s most famous quote: You are the five people you spend the most time with.
We’ve heard it. We’ve acknowledged it.
I’m always asked, “How do I know the five people I need to help me reach my goals?”
First, decide what you will name your inner circle. Some people call it their community or village. In my books, I call it your Power Team—the people who empower you. Before we can form our inner circle, we need to evaluate the people who have direct access to our energy, time, and goals. Are they positive? Do they encourage us? Share our enthusiasm?
Or do they tend to zap our energy, discount our accomplishments and show a lack of support? Until we take a hard look, we don’t always recognize people who could be standing in the way of our goals.
The same way we need to pull the weeds from our landscaping is the same way we need to pull the people who zap our energy and goals from our lives.
The Zappers
Here are a few ways to help you decipher who could be zapping your time, energy, and goals.
· Do you feel drained after an encounter with them?
· When you share a new idea with them, they become naysayers. You could hear, “Oh, I tried that before, and it didn’t work.” “You’ll never be able to do that?” “When will you find the time.” The list of negative responses you could hear is long.
· They’re great at dumping their latest crisis on you, yet they’re unavailable when you need help.
· They’re content in life and can’t understand why you want to change the status quo. They can’t comprehend why you’re determined to reach your goals.
These are the people that can zap your energy and your goals. While they can still be part of your life, especially if you work with them or their family, they are not the people who would be suitable for your inner circle.
Stay tuned. In the next Bounce-Up Chronicles, we’ll cover who needs to be in your inner circle (aka, village, community, Power Team).
Mj Happenings
Check out this Guinness World Record article that includes my interview.
I’m on the road the second week of May with a three-cities and three-programs tour, presenting How to Shift, Thrive, and Bounce-Up During Change.
While in FL and NC last month presenting programs and writing my next course book, Gidget spent a lot of time at the doggie camp she loves.
Until next time, Power-Up, Play-Up™, and Bounce-Up™!
P.S. Share with us what you named your inner circle.