Issue 124: Can Failure Boost Confidence and Teamwork?
“I think you could be special if only you thought there was anything special about yourself.”
Last week, I attended five youth basketball games. Seeing these second graders and high schoolers play with heart, a "never give up" mindset, and team spirit was genuinely inspiring.
In the high school playoff game, a home team player missed a shot. The junior missed the entire backboard and hoop. An airball. The opposing team's student fans were brutal. They yelled airball for the next two minutes, which echoed through the gym. During the fourth quarter, with only a two-point lead, the high school junior who threw an airball set up for a three-point shot. The opposing fans went wild, screaming "airball" while it sounded like a collective gasp from the home team fans. The shooter extended his arms upwards; the ball took flight, circled the rim, and went in for three for the win.
As underdogs, a second-grade team registered to play in a third-grade tournament. They had played in a third-grade section during their regular season with zero wins. In two of the games, they had zero points at halftime. Yet, the underdogs never gave up and won their first three games. In the final game, they were behind again. With sweaty faces, the five kids on the court needed to defend the hoop. The shortest player on the bench stood up and chanted "defense," waving his arms to get the team and crowd cheering. One after another, the players joined him before the referee stopped the game and made them sit. From the bench, the players' team spirit grew louder. When the buzzer ended the game, the underdogs won their fourth game and the tournament.
You might ask, "Mj, what does this have to do with business, bouncing-up, or success for me?"
Sometimes, we think we don't measure up to the skill or professional level of others. Or we fell short like an airball, and we hesitate to risk trying again. And it's understandable because that inner chatter has us second-guessing ourselves. Falling short can shake our confidence, impacting our courage to take another risk. The next time self-doubt starts chattering, remember the high school junior who dared to take the shot while half of a gym screamed airball. And the second-grade underdogs who hadn't won a single game yet took first place against older players. Or how one small player created a team spirit momentum. They bounced-up! You can, too!
Tune out that inner chatter, be courageous, and take the risk!
You're only one shot away from making it count.
Bounce-Up Momentum Builders
What did you learn from a time you fell short?
How will courage and a can-do mindset help you achieve a goal?
Who can be your cheerleader to encourage you when you need it?
Mj Happenings
February had several virtual programs, as well as a "work on the business" month, finalizing contracts with several new clients for upcoming programs for the spring and summer months.
My new book is well underway, with three chapters in my editor's hands. I have a solid title (thanks to my Mastermind Partners) and a tentative subtitle.
Until next time, remember you have the courage to Bounce-Up™!
P.S. Does your team need to boost morale? Does your team deal with challenging clients? Does your team need to boost their Bounce-Ability? Let's talk.