Issue 123: How Do You Hit Goals When Life Throws Watermelon-Size Lemons
“In times of adversity and change, we discover who wer are and what we’re made of.”
What was your last “aha” moment?
In the December Bounce-Up Chronicles, I shared my year-end review with my business mentor, discussing what goals I achieved despite having the third pink ribbon diagnosis and all that it entails. I had a big "aha" moment afterward. (Okay, I admit it does feel good to read a list of accomplishments, right?)
The "aha" came from realizing the number of goal-related systems I had in place that kicked in during another adversity. During those "life throws lemons" times, we see what isn't working.
Why was this such a big aha? I've been a system rebel. When I worked in the building industry, we had an intake form for an initial prospect consultation. It had three simple questions that didn't dig into the emotions and needs of the client. It was elementary. I didn't get one client in the first few months of using that intake form. However, when I revised the questions to uncover emotions and needs, my client list grew. I developed a system that enticed results. It wasn't so much that I didn't like systems; the systems didn't make sense or work for me.
Think about the statistics with New Year's resolutions. Only 9 percent of people successfully keep their New Year's resolutions.* And no wonder. Expecting to do a complete turnabout from December 31st to January 1st is asking a lot. In the past, I was not one of the 9 percenters.
After implementing The 12 Week Year concept, I divided my yearly goals into smaller chunks. Sounds simple and logical, right? Although I follow this framework, I've adjusted the quarterly/weekly goal sheet to fit my business needs and goals.
Frequently, I’m asked "Mj, how do you maintain your business when everything goes wrong?"
Here are a few systems that keep me moving forward when life throws those watermelon-size lemons.
I divide annual goals into smaller steps and assign them to a quarter. Each 12-week period has specific tasks to complete for the overall goal.
I meet bi-weekly with my Mastermind Partners to get help, a different perspective, or encouragement. They multiply my brain power.
I meet bi-weekly with my eight-year Accountability Partner to stay on track. This works because I dread admitting I didn’t do what I said I would do.
I have a fabulous team that supports me, including a tech operations guru, a design team for content and marketing material, and two content editors.
I'm not saying I have all my systems in place. I'm still a work in progress. (Psst. Do you need help creating your 12-Week Year 2024 Goals? If so, let’s schedule a 1:1 strategic plan session.)
Bounce-Up Momentum Builders
What isn't working when life throws lemons?
Is there a problem or challenge you deal with over and over?
What is one area that causes you angst?
Mj Happenings
With six January virtual presentations, I'm grateful the pandemic revealed how productive these can be.
Check out my latest Frost Bites Podcast interview about business, a positive mindset and more.
In December, I invested in three programs to level up my business. Stay tuned. d.
Until next time, Power-Up, Play-Up and Bounce-Up™!
P.S. Leave a comment and share your quarterly goal with us.
* 2016 Society for Personality and Social Psychology Study