Issue 083: 12 Days of Conversations Challenge
Wishing a wonderful Happy Hanukkah to everyone who celebrates!
The Thanksgiving holiday has been one of appreciation, gratitude, and surprise. As you can guess, appreciation and gratitude are for family, friends, colleagues, and clients who have added joy to my life. The surprise reminded me of a conversation I had with a client before the holiday about unexpected events in our businesses.
So, my surprise became an unexpected case of COVID-19 that occurred this past week. Yes, I missed the family holiday with all the trimmings. Crazy as it sounds, the days at home enabled me to reflect and appreciate all the “good things” I have in life.
This quiet time allowed me to brainstorm and plan for December and 2022.
In my book Bounce-Up and during a recent keynote, I shared how Christina Wallace had 70 coffee conversations in 30 days to shift from failure into a new venture. One of the keynote participants had several questions about it. So, spinning off Christina’s idea, I created a “12 Days of Conversations Challenge” for myself and you, if you’re game.
So, here’s your December Challenge:
Choose 12 people you’d like to have a conversation with yet never seem to get it scheduled.
Your conversation can be in person, via Zoom, or by phone.
Schedule one conversation for 12 straight days.
Be open-minded to opportunities yet have an “intention” in mind. For example, are you looking to develop a new relationship, initiate a collaboration, or something else?
Permit yourself to be open to new possibilities.
Offer support to your conversation partners. Be sure to ask how you can help others.
Summarize each conversation with one sentence to track what you discovered.
Bounce-Up Momentum Builders
At the end of the Challenge, review your conversation summaries.
Was there a recurring theme or topic?
What was an “aha” you discovered?
Mj Happenings
With my last live presentation the week before Thanksgiving, I’ll wrap up 2021 with private coaching calls and one final webinar.
In Jan, I’ll kick off 2022 in Dallas, giving two of my presentations, Build Your Business Power Team and Build Your Resilient-Driven Sales Plan. Then, I’ll follow this with my Fearless Comebacks: Make Your Bounce Back Your Bounce-Up™ keynote in Philadelphia.
Until next time, Power-Up, Play-Up, and Bounce-Up™.
P.S. Are you looking for a facilitator with hands-on activities for your next board or company retreat? Call me to add an interactive and fun session to your next retreat.