Issue 122: What Will Define Your Year?
“Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”
A new year always gives us a reason for hope. As we list what we want, change, and do in 2024, hope is the foundation. Hope gives us that optimistic push that we can do it. Although our hope might look different to each of us, it’s there. When naysayers tell you to give up, Hope whispers try again.
Since the one-word concept is today’s topic, you might think my word of the year is hope. Hope hasn’t made it to my one-word year list since I implemented this concept. Hope is eternal. Hope had pulled me through when the many naysayers remarked I couldn’t do it. Hope gives us that bit of sunshine on a cloudy day. When we create our 2024 goal list, we do so with hope.
In 2010, I aligned one word with what I wanted or needed the next 365 days to be. Although I create yearly and quarterly goals, I wanted an overarching theme that defined my year. It was a tumultuous year, starting over with $500 because of domestic violence and taking a commission-only position in the building industry I didn’t know anything about. I was so clueless. When asked if I knew what a header and footer were, I said, “Yes.” Well, my version was different than theirs. 😊
My first intentional one-word-year became a phrase: Life is an adventure. We all have adventures, and some are good and some not-so-good. At the time, my life felt like a roller coaster with slow climbs forward and twists and turns at a high speed downward. During those life-twist moments, I’d focus on “Life is an adventure.” Although it couldn’t change what was happening, it changed how I looked at the situation.
So, fourteen years later, I'm starting 2024 with a new word as my touchstone. (Imagine drumroll.) Stronger! My word of the year needs to fit personally and professionally.
In 2024 I will be Stronger with
Intentional/healthy living
Being present
Consistent marketing
Consistent writing
Finishing projects
Okay, you get the idea. Did you choose a word to be your overarching theme for the year? If so, share it with us. If not, what could your word be?
Bounce-Up Momentum Builders
At the end of 2024, what would you want to say about your year?
What personal or professional areas could be stronger?
How can the one-word concept align with your future goals?
Mj Happenings
Investing in myself and my business, I became a Certified blind spots Navigator. Stay tuned for upcoming virtual workshops about how your blind spots impact your communication, professional life, revenue, and business.
My book, Bounce-Up: Outpower Adversity, Boost Resilience, Rebound Higher hit #12 on Amazon during the holidays.
Shoutout to my mastermind friend, Ben, who offered key insights about my next book during a December dinner conversation. With three chapters finished, I’ll keep you posted.
What's Up Next?
The next Bounce-Up Chronicles talks about pinpointing goals with a strategic action plan. I used this method to achieve goals despite three pink-ribbon diagnoses. Don’t miss it.
Until next time, Power-Up, Play-Up and Bounce-Up™!
P.S. Leave a comment and share your one word with us!