Issue 038: What’s Your One Word?

    “Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.”
    – Germany Kent

Here’s to creating a fabulous 2021!

Have you created resolutions for the new year? Or have you given up on resolutions because you found they haven’t worked in the past? If resolutions work for you, you are in the 20 percent category. Go you!! For those of us who found resolutions usually don’t work, we’re in the 80 percent category according to U.S. News. Either way, it’s okay.

Back in 2010 when I made extreme changes in my professional and personal life, I started a new tradition. I chose an overarching phrase, Life is Good, that represented the year I imagined. That phrase guided me for the next two years until a writer friend shared the one-word year concept. I hadn’t realized until I started writing this issue that I’ve adopted the concept a decade ago.

Recently, I connected with Alece Ronzino, the founder and force behind Back in 2009, Alece accepted that resolutions didn’t work for her. Instead, she created her own non-resolution resolution. Fun, right? She chose one word to focus on for the entire year. She committed to being mindful of that word. Get this. Her #oneword365 was risk. Wow. She jumped right in.

In choosing my theme word, it had to fit both my professional and personal sides of life. This concept has propelled my proactive thoughts, actions, and goals since I’ve implemented what Alece coined #OneWord365.

Bounce-Up™ Momentum Builders

Here’s why the one-word concept works:

  1. You check off more on your goal list when you have one-word that defines your days, weeks, and months because it creates a perimeter for your decisions and actions.

  2. It’s easier to make a decision. “If I say ‘yes’ does it stay true to my yearly theme. When “healthy” was my word, I wanted my business model and actions to be healthy, too. The year I was outpowering cancer I realized my business model was chaotic and I lacked systems. Having this one-word guideline streamlined my business model.

  3. When an opportunity occurs, ask, “Does this opportunity keep me on track to my destination or the result I want?” In the “healthy concept year,” before I made a business purchase, I’d ask, “Does this purchase keep my bottom line healthy?

For 2021, I chose Fearless. What I loved about this concept is it helps you grow. Now, I combine it with two other concepts, which I’ll share in upcoming January Chronicles.

Bounce-Up™ Momentum Builder Questions

  1. What #oneword can you commit to for 365 days?

  2. How can your word theme shape your 2021?

  3. Who can you share this concept with to help stay committed?

A Heart-Full Thank You
Thank you to everyone who subscribed to my YouTube Channel. Because of you I now have a custom URL. Woohoo. For those who didn’t know I had a channel, I’d love for you to subscribe.

Looking Ahead in January/What’s Up In January?
In the upcoming Bounce-Up™ Chronicles:

  • How to work your #OneWordYear.

  • The one secret to reaching goals.

  • Bounce-Up™ Fearless: Play Strong

Until next week, Power-Up, Play-Up and Bounce-Up in 2021!

Mj Callaway

P.S. Over the past few months, I’ve presented my Selling in a COVID-19 World program remotely, which has become a popular request. I’m putting the final touches on the digital version that will be available on Thinkific.

Mj Callaway

Mj Callaway works with organizations that want to boost their resiliency during disruptions while increasing productivity and profits. As an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and corporate trainer, Mj is known for building team momentum, shifting attitudes, converting key strategies into fun activities, and getting results. Results that increase revenue!


Issue 039: Leverage One Word


Issue 037: New Year’s Message