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Boost Your Resilience with Mj Callaway!
Move the needle to catapult your positivity and productivity.

Issue 064: 3 Signs to Tell If You’re a Changemaker or Not!
Mj Callaway Mj Callaway

Issue 064: 3 Signs to Tell If You’re a Changemaker or Not!

Have you ever noticed how some people jump in and make it happen? You probably know a person or two who does, and it could be you. Yet, others sit on the sideline, waiting for someone to take the lead. As a second part to the Brittany story shared last week, in this short video (5 min.), you’ll hear three ways to identify who is not a changemaker and who could be a changemaker. Being a changemaker doesn’t require grand gestures. It’s the proactive steps taken to make change happen or to flip unexpected events into positive ones.

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Issue 063: Are You a Changemaker?
Mj Callaway Mj Callaway

Issue 063: Are You a Changemaker?

Can one person be a changemaker? This six-word question can ignite various negative and positive responses.

Last week I had a call with a conference chair from a leading healthcare system looking for an inspiring presentation, yet it had to be fun with learning objective takeaways, too. (Yes, I have the right keynote to hit each point.) As we were diving into organizational challenges, I shared one story that resonated.

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Issue 062: Meet Mr. Dial-Up, Mr. Just One More, and Mr. Toolman
Mj Callaway Mj Callaway

Issue 062: Meet Mr. Dial-Up, Mr. Just One More, and Mr. Toolman

What happens when you have three weeks of construction vehicles working in front of your office window? You tie the event to this week’s short video (under 8 min.) that unexpectedly connected to our Toxic People Series. You’ll hear three fun analogies related to people who could be in your Inner Circle, aka Power Team, but might not be in your corner. Meet Mr. Dial-Up, Mr. Just One More, and Mr. Toolman. And yes, they could be Ms., too.

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Issue 061: Don’t Let Toxic People Get You Down!
Mj Callaway Mj Callaway

Issue 061: Don’t Let Toxic People Get You Down!

In this final topic, it’s all about Transmitting Your Positive Emotions to Override Toxic Energy.

Sometimes it’s hard to keep your chin up after encountering a toxic person because emotions are contagious. Negative emotions include fear, anger, disgust, sadness, rage, complaints, and annoyance, to name a few. The stronger the emotion someone feels, and the longer they talk about it, the more contagious they are because they infect their negativity on you. When we allow our emotions to swing into the negative column, we’ve caught the toxic vibes the other person threw out.

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Issue 060: Can You Tame a Toxic Conversation?
Mj Callaway Mj Callaway

Issue 060: Can You Tame a Toxic Conversation?

Guarding your positive attitude is crucial to success. Consider this: Optimistic sales pros outperform pessimists with better selling skills by 57 percent. Mindset is everything.

It can be hard to taper time with peers, challenging customers, and relatives. So, what can we do when we can’t taper our time with them? First, we can tame toxic conversations.

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Issue 059: Is it time for a toxic audit?
Mj Callaway Mj Callaway

Issue 059: Is it time for a toxic audit?

Does summertime put a little extra zip in your step? Does it feel like the season of growth to you? Summer feels like a great time to think about what works and to access what doesn't. So let's start with the people. If you're like me, I've love to say that every person in my network exudes positivity. Well, it is a goal. 😊

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Issue 058: This #1 Enemy Can Sabotage You
Mj Callaway Mj Callaway

Issue 058: This #1 Enemy Can Sabotage You

Life is looking good with many restrictions lifted. Yay! However, to grow and move forward, sometimes we need to go back. Most of us had actions we wanted to take but couldn’t due to the mandates. In this short video (under 5 min.), let’s talk about what your choice will be now that we’re turning a corner.

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Issue 057: What’s Your “If only,” “When,” or “I can’t”?
Mj Callaway Mj Callaway

Issue 057: What’s Your “If only,” “When,” or “I can’t”?

Life is looking good with many restrictions lifted. Yay! However, to grow and move forward, sometimes we need to go back. Most of us had actions we wanted to take but couldn’t due to the mandates. In this short video (under 5 min.), let’s talk about what your choice will be now that we’re turning a corner.

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Issue 056: Will You Take the 1% Challenge
Mj Callaway Mj Callaway

Issue 056: Will You Take the 1% Challenge

The month of May always triggers an accelerated growth mindset for me. It’s time to get a fresh outlook on a long-forgotten goal, take a step in a new direction, or expand a business idea. Maybe it’s the warmer weather, trees blooming, or the longer days of daylight that prompt action. So, what does May signify for you?

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Issue 055: How Do You Get Off a Plateau?
Mj Callaway Mj Callaway

Issue 055: How Do You Get Off a Plateau?

Have you been stuck or reached a plateau when trying to get a goal or finish a project? Have you thought about the comparison between using the word stuck versus plateau? In this short video, you’ll hear two mistakes to avoid when reaching a goal and three tips to get off a plateau to cross your intended finish line. (It’s less than 8 minutes and jam-packed with suggestions.)

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Issue 054: Do You Have What it Takes?
Mj Callaway Mj Callaway

Issue 054: Do You Have What it Takes?

Over the weekend, I watched my son Josh finish his first marathon, the Gettysburg North-South Marathon. Before the race started, you could feel the runners’ anxiety, tension, and excitement in the air. Over 400 marathoners bounced up and down, sprinted, and stretched while their pit crew (supporters) offered words of encouragement. And a round of shouts and cheers erupted when the race started.

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Issue 039: Leverage One Word
Mj Callaway Mj Callaway

Issue 039: Leverage One Word

This week's quote hits home for me. I've been very inconsistent in creating videos because of all the "imperfect" reasons I had bouncing around like a superball inside my head. In November, when I jumpstarted my YouTube Channel, I knew that fearless had to be my word of the year. Fearless action means: Done is better than perfect.

Got your one word? Find out three ways to leverage your one word in 2021 in this week's video issue. I've included a few examples as a way to get the most out of your #oneword365.

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Issue 038: What’s Your One Word?
Mj Callaway Mj Callaway

Issue 038: What’s Your One Word?

Have you created resolutions for the new year? Or have you given up on resolutions because you found they haven’t worked in the past? If resolutions work for you, you are in the 20 percent category. Go you!! For those of us who found resolutions usually don’t work, we’re in the 80 percent category according to U.S. News. Either way, it’s okay.

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Issue 037: New Year’s Message
Mj Callaway Mj Callaway

Issue 037: New Year’s Message

As we put the old year behind us, we always have high hopes, goals, and expectations for the New Year!

As we close in 2020, I wanted to express my gratitude to you personally.

Click the video for my mini message to you and something new for 2021!

It’s time to start fresh. It’s time to Power Up, Play-Up, and Bounce-Up in 2021!


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Issue 036: Happy Holidays!
Mj Callaway Mj Callaway

Issue 036: Happy Holidays!

We wish you the happiest of holidays. During the past nine months, your feedback and support have been a gift to us here at Team Mj. We are very grateful to have you in our Bounce-Up Chronicles Community.

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Issue 035: Are You Taking Life By the Horns?
Mj Callaway Mj Callaway

Issue 035: Are You Taking Life By the Horns?

How do you prepare for the new year? My colleague Robert takes life by the horns. He ends December with an intentional plan in a warmer climate. First, he enjoys a week with his family celebrating the holidays. In the second week, he evaluates his year and maps out his business plan and goals for the following year. It’s on his schedule and in his budget. Another colleague, Marquesa, goes “underground,” which is her terminology for going off-the-grid. In a similar way to Robert, Marquesa devotes her time off to her lifestyle business.

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Issue 034: What it Take to Perform at Your Highest Level
Mj Callaway Mj Callaway

Issue 034: What it Take to Perform at Your Highest Level

In addition to our usual December overload, we have the craziness caused by the ongoing pandemic and mandates this season. Talk about energy zappers.

When we’re concentrating on work tasks, solving problems, processing data, watching TV, and scrolling through social media, our brain remains in action-oriented mode. We think the more we do, the more productive we will be. Unfortunately, it’s the opposite. A full-throttle lifestyle hurts productivity and creativity.

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Issue 033: Make it an Intentional Month
Mj Callaway Mj Callaway

Issue 033: Make it an Intentional Month

Two weeks ago, I participated in the fabulous Retention Summit for Manufacturers. During the Q&A after my session, someone asked “Mj, how do you keep sales teams motivated as we head to the end of the year?” Before I could answer, the woman continued, “It’s been a hard year and not everyone will hit their quotas. What do you do about it? How do you keep them motivated? What do you say?”

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Issue 032: A Thanksgiving Wish from Team Mj
Mj Callaway Mj Callaway

Issue 032: A Thanksgiving Wish from Team Mj

During this month of thankfulness, we are extremely grateful for your support with Bounce-Up Chronicles. Thank you for your wonderful comments and topic suggestions. We genuinely appreciate you!

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Issue 031: What it takes to Make it Happen
Mj Callaway Mj Callaway

Issue 031: What it takes to Make it Happen

Have you read a social post that brought a smile because you knew somewhere along the way you had a part in making someone’s goal come true? Over the weekend, one of my former private clients, a young insurance agent, posted that he and his wife were expecting their second child. When we started working together, I asked, “What do you want to achieve by working with me that you can’t do on your own?”

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Start YOUR Journey

Is it time to invest in yourself? Go from stuck to success. Build momentum to reach your goals! Do it today!