Issue 061: Don’t Let Toxic People Get You Down!

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Another round of replies and stories hit my inbox last week with the second topic in the Toxic People Series. Thank you for sharing your feedback with me. So far, we’ve covered how to taper time with toxic people and how to tame toxic conversations. (If you missed the first two issues of the series, click here.)  This final post on this topic is all about Transmitting Your Positive Emotions to Override Toxic Energy.

Sometimes it’s hard to keep your chin up after encountering a toxic person because emotions are contagious. Negative emotions include fear, anger, disgust, sadness, rage, complaints, and annoyance, to name a few. The stronger the emotion someone feels, and the longer they talk about it, the more contagious they are because they infect their negativity on you. When we allow our emotions to swing into the negative column, we’ve caught the toxic vibes the other person threw out.

The goal is to keep your emotions positive, which will keep your attitude optimistic even when you’re dealing with toxic people. Positive emotions include love, joy, satisfaction, contentment, interest, curiosity, amusement, happiness, awe, and inspiration. Positive emotions build our resilience, which increases our coping abilities. Also, studies show that we are more productive and feel better when we have at least three times as many positive emotions as negative emotions.

Bounce-Up™ Momentum Builders

So, what do we do? First, tune out everyone else’s vibes. Tune into your upbeat energy. Here are three ways to influence a Bounce-Up™ mindset so that you can transmit positive emotions.

  1. Remember one accomplishment and what you had to overcome to achieve it. Remember the joy and energy you felt when you hit your goal. Who shared the elation of this accomplishment with you?

  2. Recall a time when you offered advice or suggestions to someone who needed help. How great did it feel to know you were able to help someone else?

  3. Recognize three of your strengths that make you great at what you do. Write them down in a journal, notebook, or the notes section of your smart device. How have these strengths served you in business and life?

And if you need more help, my Bounce-Up™ book has more than 142 techniques, tactics, and tips to boost resilience.  

Mj Happenings

  • It’s Party Time! Join us a the Twenty Won Book Celebration on Aug. 21, 2021. Enjoy wine, appetizers, and Q&A with the authors. It’s free, but tickets are limited. Hurry and register here.  Psst. I’ll have my other books available, too. Got one? Bring it to get signed. 😊

  • Need to boost your team’s resilience? Call or email me about Bounce-Up: Boost Workplace Resilience.


Until next time, Play-Up, Power-Up, and Bounce-Up™!


Mj Callaway

Mj Callaway works with organizations that want to boost their resiliency during disruptions while increasing productivity and profits. As an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and corporate trainer, Mj is known for building team momentum, shifting attitudes, converting key strategies into fun activities, and getting results. Results that increase revenue!


Issue 062: Meet Mr. Dial-Up, Mr. Just One More, and Mr. Toolman


Issue 060: Can You Tame a Toxic Conversation?