Issue 079: From Pro Hall of Fame Events to Black Tie Customer Service – What Does It Take?

"It take months to find a customer…seconds to lose one.”

– Vince Lombardi

Imagine being part of the Pro Football Hall of Fame celebration events, and your business is responsible for 25 different Hall of Fame parties. Yes, 25! And our special guest knows first-hand how to create such a fantastic experience. Find out from Customer Experience Expert Bob Pacanovsky what it takes to give a “Black Tie Experience” every day of the year.

Bounce-Up™ Momentum Builders

  1. If you have lost a customer in the past, do you know why you did?

  2. Is there an area you need to up-level your service to give a top-notch experience?

  3. How would you rate your customer service on a scale of 1 to 10?

Mj Happenings

Until next time, Power-Up, Play-Up, and Bounce-Up™.


P.S. Are you looking for company gifts? Bounce-Up: Outpower Adversity, Boost Resilience, REBOUND Higher makes excellent gifts. Reach out if you need a bulk order.

Mj Callaway

Mj Callaway works with organizations that want to boost their resiliency during disruptions while increasing productivity and profits. As an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and corporate trainer, Mj is known for building team momentum, shifting attitudes, converting key strategies into fun activities, and getting results. Results that increase revenue!


Issue 080: Own it Like Prince


Issue 078: Are you as committed to your “yes” to yourself as you are to the “yes” you say to others?