Issue 079: From Pro Hall of Fame Events to Black Tie Customer Service – What Does It Take?
"It take months to find a customer…seconds to lose one.”
– Vince LombardiImagine being part of the Pro Football Hall of Fame celebration events, and your business is responsible for 25 different Hall of Fame parties. Yes, 25! And our special guest knows first-hand how to create such a fantastic experience. Find out from Customer Experience Expert Bob Pacanovsky what it takes to give a “Black Tie Experience” every day of the year.
Bounce-Up™ Momentum Builders
If you have lost a customer in the past, do you know why you did?
Is there an area you need to up-level your service to give a top-notch experience?
How would you rate your customer service on a scale of 1 to 10?
Mj Happenings
In this podcast interview with host Gloria Ward, you’ll hear the importance of connecting to make the sale.
Hit the ground running in 2022 by intentionally building your Power Team, your Circle of Influence, who will multiply your efforts to increase results.
Until next time, Power-Up, Play-Up, and Bounce-Up™.
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