Issue 001: The Ups and Downs of Life - My Bounce-Up™ Journey

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It’s Mj Callaway here.

I know it’s been some time since you’re heard from me. Like our world today, I’ve had many changes and challenges that have impacted my personal and professional life. As you know, what happens to us personally affects us professionally and vice versa.

So, being vulnerable here, I’ll give you an update that I’ve only started sharing recently. In the past three years, my journey included overcoming cancer twice. Yes. Twice. The first diagnosis came with a 20 percent chance of survival if “Magic Wand” (because it sounds so much better than chemo) didn’t work, and “Magic Wand” had a 50 percent chance of working. I’m blessed. The journey (sounds better than treatment) was intense and it taught me a lot about myself and gave me three gifts that I’ll share in the next few weeks.

During this journey, while I was Sofa Surfing (Magic Wand recovery) I had a lot of time to think. And with that “think-time” my business strategy and life’s purpose shifted. How can I share my gifts, knowledge, and know-how with others? What have I been given that can serve others better?

I went through the collection of emails and testimonies that my colleagues and clients shared in the past. What continued to surface—was the encouragement, strategies, and inspiration. The “you can do it” mindset I inspired in others both personally and professionally.

No doubt about it cancer sucks, and so does every other disease, illness, adversity and setback. And today, we’re all facing adversity. What evolved, for me, was a new mission and vision called Bounce-Up™ and the reason for this heartfelt message to you. Bounce-Up™ is more than bouncing back. When we bounce back, we go back to where we were before adversity hit. Think “act” like an offensive team, not “react” like the defensive team.

Bouncing-Up™ is about outpowering adversity, boosting resilience, and rebounding higher than you were before!

With a new focus around boosting resilience, building momentum, and a pivot with sales training to emphasis on revenue rescue under the mission of Bounce-Up™.

Starting next week, every Wednesday, I will be sending out Bounce-Up Chronicles, a short weekly inspirational message sharing how a person, leader, or company has Bounced-Up™. You’ll get a strategy, tactic or tip and questions to help you professionally and personally to “move the needle” and Bounce-Up™.

It is my hope that you will join me in this new, uplifting journey. Together we can outpower the setbacks and create our own success.

Here’s to outpowering adversity, boosting resilience, and Bouncing-Up™!

Mj Callaway

Mj Callaway

Mj Callaway works with organizations that want to boost their resiliency during disruptions while increasing productivity and profits. As an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and corporate trainer, Mj is known for building team momentum, shifting attitudes, converting key strategies into fun activities, and getting results. Results that increase revenue!


Issue 002: How a Dog Walk Turned into a Business Crisis