Issue 027: Good Things Happen When You Prove Your Naysayers Wrong

    “Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.”
    – Coach John Wooden

Do naysayers have an impact on your decisions or outcomes? Research shows adults are more prone to allow naysayers to influence their behaviors/actions than children. At five, Josh Rulnick’s orthopedic doctor shared the prognosis that kids with hip perthes disease struggled in sports and would never be good. This was crushing as Josh had been ice skating for three years and played on a mini-mite hockey team. For the next six years, this grade-schooler could not run, hop, skip or jump because the hip would deteriorate more until the disease ran its course. During the healing process, he became a competitive backstroke swimmer—the one sport he could participate in safely.

The funny thing about kids is that they dig into what interests them against the odds. They ignore naysayers.

Back in 2004, after the first organizational book I co-authored launched, a local writer said, “You’ll never get published again, you’re writing is horrible.” I’ll admit that negative comment stung. Fortunately, my strong support system, my Power Team, in the industry, including an editor with a traditional publisher, believed in me. Two years later, the second organizational book launched with two more digital books following it.

Now, fast forward to Josh’s senior year in college, and as starting point guard, his Division III basketball team played against Pitt, Division I, in an exhibition game. Imagine, this D-III athlete stood at 5’7” and most Pitt players were a foot taller. No surprise Pitt crushed them, and the two Pitt players pictured above were drafted to the NBA. Along the way, Josh’s Power Team, his junior high, high school and college coaches, believed in him.

Let’s fast forward again. In 2019, with what he learned about health and fitness through his challenges, Josh co-founded Zire Nutrition.  He focused on products geared for physically-active people from at-home athletes who want to stay fit to competitive athletes who are pushing the limits.

Bounce-Up Momentum:

  • Ignore the naysayers. Naysayers show up in different ways. Negative comments or actions, well-meaning statements, or questions of doubt can identify naysayers. Take any negative commentary and “Flip-It™” to a positive statement. Psst. Check out this blog post for the Flip-It™ Technique or read about it in Chapter Three of Bounce-Up™.

  • Dig into self-efficacy. This word holds power: your belief in your abilities, and your determination for success. It’s how you leverage your strengths to build momentum and overcome setbacks. And 2020 has given us numerous challenges.

Boost Your Bounce-Up Factor:

  1. Who could be a naysayer (without realizing it) when it comes to your success?

  2. What makes you dig deeper to find the determination to reach a goal?

  3. What interests you so much that you will overcome the odds?

Before I go, as a side note, Josh is my son. 😊

Until next time, have a Bounce-Up™ day!


P.S. When you’re ready, here’s how I can help you.

  1. Download the Power Team worksheet.

  2. Read Bounce-Up™

  3. Schedule a discovery call.

Mj Callaway

Mj Callaway works with organizations that want to boost their resiliency during disruptions while increasing productivity and profits. As an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and corporate trainer, Mj is known for building team momentum, shifting attitudes, converting key strategies into fun activities, and getting results. Results that increase revenue!


Issue 028: Got Hope?


Issue 026: Can One Idea Create a Movement?