Issue 028: Got Hope?


During my seven-hour treatments, I focused on work, with the support of my "Magic Wand (treatment) team"

    “Courage is like love: it must have hope for nourishment.”
    – Napoleon Bonaparte

We’re in the last week of what has been coined “Pinktober.” Four years ago, this month, I faced the battle of my life with a 20 percent chance of surviving the diagnosis. As life tossed lemons fast and frequently, I found a way to make pink lemonade with the support of my business family (dubbed by my friend and colleague Renee Thompson of Healthy Workforce Institute) and my Power Teams.

What happens in our personal lives impact our professional lives and vice versa. Only through difficulties, do we realize how strong we can be. The stories in Bounce-Up™ Chronicles are testimony to the innovators who have the spirit, determination, and resilience to outpower adversity. Each person who thrives during a setback has the choice to face adversity and say, “Watch me outpower this setback!”

For every challenge, it takes a big supply of courage, hope, and support. When did you need a dose of courage? Who has cheered you on during a tough time?

For me, I deem October/Pinktober as a month that signifies hope.

During these fluid world events, when we all could use a dose of hope, show a little love to these companies that are giving hope during Pinktober!

Kiya Tomlin: Purchase your choice of apparel and 12 percent of sales will go to a Breast Cancer Charity.

The Pink Card: The Pink Card is only $10, and all proceeds go to Hair Peace Charities. Plus, you get 25 percent off an item at participating merchants.

Pink Lemonade Preworkout: Get this Pink Lemonade Prework and you’re helping your body and you’re donating money to Young Women’s Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation (YWBCAF).

The Pink Ribbon Bagel: Order this yummy Pink Ribbon bagel and a portion of profits go to Young Women’s Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation.

Sullivan Super Service Pinktober Special: Have your furnace checked for $79 and $5 of it will go to Young Women’s Breast Cancer Foundation. This is local to the Pittsburgh region. Be sure to mention the YWBCF special.

And lastly, this is my “Get One, Give One” month. For every Bounce-Up: Outpower Adversity, Boost Resilience, Rebound Higher book purchased, you’re giving a digital book to a woman going through treatment.

Bounce-Up™ Momentum Questions

  1. Is there a time in the year that signifies hope for you?

  2. What organization has helped you personally or professionally in the past?

  3. As we continue to maneuver this pandemic, what support do you need?

Until next time, have a Bounce-Up™ day!


P.S. Thank you for being part of Pinktober – the month of hope!

P.S.S. Let’s hear your Bounce-Up™ story! Email me.

Mj Callaway

Mj Callaway works with organizations that want to boost their resiliency during disruptions while increasing productivity and profits. As an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and corporate trainer, Mj is known for building team momentum, shifting attitudes, converting key strategies into fun activities, and getting results. Results that increase revenue!


Issue 029: Break Free of Status Quo!


Issue 027: Good Things Happen When You Prove Your Naysayers Wrong