Issue 003: One Word Momentum

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    “Words, whether internal or external,can make us proactive or can immobilize us.”
    – Mj Callaway

When the safe-at-home mandate occurred, I knew another six weeks at home could be tough. I had spent January and February recovering from a Dec. 26th surgery. Although I couldn’t drive or work, it was winter and seemed easier. Dwelling on “It’s only two weeks since I’ve been going out of the house!” would be reactive [and whining], not proactive.

Being proactive, I designated the six-turned-eight weeks as an opportunity. With less travel time and canceled events, I would have more creative time. That Flip-It™ shifted my momentum. Create became my one-word theme during the “pause” from normal. In our daily rush, we don’t always make time to be inspired—whatever inspired means to you.

When Pittsburgh-based photographer Anita Buzzy shared her #porchraits mission on social media, I thought how innovative.

With Anita’s business at a standstill, she tweaked an idea a mid-west photographer started.  Anita takes photos of families sharing quarantine time together from six feet away. The best part—the location is the family’s porch or yard. Anita groups people according to their neighborhood proximity. Porchraits have become so popular there’s a waiting list.

I wanted to be part of this fun idea and joined the list. Living solo, Zoom and Facebook have been my frequent companions. I didn’t let my solo quarantine nor my porch-less townhouse stop me. I focused on the “creative” piece—connecting my one-word theme to Anita’s innovation.

On porchrait day, we met a few minutes from my place at a corner building with a colorful mural painted on the side. Masked, Anita stayed six feet away and my mask stayed handy in case someone approached. Having always admired this mural, it became the perfect backdrop for my one-word theme—create!

By the way, Chronicles and a four-week online course were the result of “create.”

  1. Is there a specific word or phrase that makes you more proactive?

  2. What positive word would you use to describe how you’ve spent the shelter-at-home time?

  3. What one-word theme can you implement next month?

Until next time, have a Bounce-Up™ day!


P.S. Woohoo! Check it out – the first book review came in from Bounce-Up!

Click here to start a conversation about how I can help your organization Bounce-Up™?

Mj Callaway

Mj Callaway works with organizations that want to boost their resiliency during disruptions while increasing productivity and profits. As an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and corporate trainer, Mj is known for building team momentum, shifting attitudes, converting key strategies into fun activities, and getting results. Results that increase revenue!


Issue 004: Making Different Great


Issue 002: How a Dog Walk Turned into a Business Crisis