Issue 033: Make it an Intentional Month

    “Show up in every single moment like you’re meant to be there.”
    – Maria Forleo

Two weeks ago, I participated in the fabulous Retention Summit for Manufacturers. During the Q&A after my session, someone asked “Mj, how do you keep sales teams motivated as we head to the end of the year?” Before I could answer, the woman continued, “It’s been a hard year and not everyone will hit their quotas. What do you do about it? How do you keep them motivated? What do you say?”

Although I couldn’t see her facial expression because she was off video, I could hear the distress in her voice. From my days working with a national builder, I recognized that the people in positions above her would feel the stress of missed quotas.

Shortly after offering suggestions, another participant sent a private message. “How can I end 2020 on a positive note?” His question prompted this issue of Chronicles.

Before the hustle and bustle season gets out of control, decide what you want the year-end to look like. Being intentional can give you a better outlook on the year and can jumpstart a positive 2021.

Bounce-Up™ Momentum Builder

  1. Block out quiet time, at least 30 minutes, to create your December plan.

  2. What positive emotion could be your December theme? Think of it as e-motion or energy in motion. Is it joy, hope, gratitude, love, happiness, or peace? Positive emotions act as buffers on stressful days.

  3. What is one personal and one professional activity you want to do? Ideas could be a virtual trivia night, book discussion, wine tasting, or cooking experience with colleagues. A visit to the conservatory or an outdoor holiday festival could be a personal activity.

  4. What is a “giving” and/or spiritual activity you can join in or organize? Giving back can trigger happy endorphins in your brain and give you a sense of purpose. Could you ask co-workers to donate a non-perishable food item, toy, or book for the local food bank? Does your place of worship host an angel tree, providing gifts for families in need?

  5. What is one professional goal you want to achieve? Maybe it’s creating an email campaign, making the first contact with a specific number of potential clients, or sending holiday cards.

  6. Look at your activities and your goal. Do they reflect the “intentional” positive emotion you want to embrace? If not, adjust and align your activities and your intentional emotion.

  7. Once you decide on your activities, schedule them. Write your December plan in a notebook or journal. Or put it in the notes on your smartphone.

By focusing on a solution, you’ll be more apt to initiate action. You’ll be more proactive, resilient, and Bounce-Up™ during stormy days. Think palm trees, instead of oak trees, which uproot. During tropical storms, palm trees can bend almost down to the ground at times, and it’s that ability and flexibility that allows them to survive.

Here’s to an intentional December.

Have a Bounce-Up™ day!


P.S. Need your help, please. I started fresh with my YouTube channel (deleted one of the channels and that’s a story for another day). Hit this link to subscribe. I need 100 subscribers to get my “customized URL.” I truly appreciate your help.

Mj Callaway

Mj Callaway works with organizations that want to boost their resiliency during disruptions while increasing productivity and profits. As an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and corporate trainer, Mj is known for building team momentum, shifting attitudes, converting key strategies into fun activities, and getting results. Results that increase revenue!


Issue 034: What it Take to Perform at Your Highest Level


Issue 032: A Thanksgiving Wish from Team Mj