Issue 034: What it Take to Perform at Your Highest Level

    “We take better care of our smartphone than ourselves. We know when the battery is depleted and recharge it.”
    – Arianna Huffington

In addition to our usual December overload, we have the craziness caused by the ongoing pandemic and mandates this season. Talk about energy zappers.

When we’re concentrating on work tasks, solving problems, processing data, watching TV, and scrolling through social media, our brain remains in action-oriented mode. We think the more we do, the more productive we will be. Unfortunately, it’s the opposite. A full-throttle lifestyle hurts productivity and creativity.

Have you ever had an ache starting in your forehead or temples? Or your focus drifts, and processing anything seems impossible? That’s your brain’s default mode network telling you it’s time to stop because it’s full and needs a mental timeout. Your brain needs downtime to recharge or replenish because of professional demands and stressors of life.

Although holidays allow us to replenish our family spirit, personal and professional preparation can be demanding. With Hannukah beginning this week, one of the aspects I appreciate about this holiday is the eight nights to celebrate. Having been invited to a friend’s house for Hanukkah in the past, there seemed to be more joy and less rushing with the additional days to celebrate and honor traditions.

As a Stress Management Expert, Laura Greco, founder of You Bloom Wellness, LLC, works with physicians to lower their stress and avoid burnout. We can burn out, too, unless we intentionally recharge our brains. A mental timeout is essential when we want to achieve our highest performance levels, productivity, and creativity.

Bounce-Up Momentum Builders

Plan a mental break. “Allow yourself 10 minutes for mental relaxation. It’s not an indulgence; it’s necessary for replenishing,” says Laura. Consider the mental break a rest from technology, work, and stress. “This mental break doesn’t mean sitting on the sofa watching television,” says Laura. Engage in an activity that gives you peace, such as meditation and gratitude. Or, as Laura suggests, “engage in mindful activities such as watching clouds, listening to birds, daydreaming, doodling, or diving into a hobby.”

Reimagine annual traditions. Using Hannukah’s eight days as a spin-off idea, we, my adult kids and g-kiddies, enjoy Christmas at my house during the weekend or two before the 25th. We avoid cramming all the visits into one day. It gives us more quality time together to replenish our family ties. Is there a holiday habit that you need to shift? With all the current pivots happening, this would be the year to make the change.

Track your smiles. Pause when you feel stressed or overworked. Think of what has created a smile for you. Write it down in a notebook, on an index card, or type it into your smart device’s note section. On disruptive days when you can’t think of something to smile about, refer to your “smile tracker.” When you smile, your brain releases dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin. These neurotransmitters are associated with lowering your stress and increasing your happiness.

Bounce-Up Momentum Questions

  1. How often do you give your brain a timeout?

  2. What December commitment isn’t working for you this year?

  3. What mental break activity will you implement?

We wish a Happy Hannukah to everyone celebrating the holiday.

Have a Bounce-Up™ day!


P.S. Check out Get Off the Grinch Train Series: How Poor Communication Steals Customers on my YouTube channel. I upload a new video daily this week. Hit this link to subscribe. I only need 60 more subscribers to get my “customized URL.” I genuinely appreciate your help.

P.S.S. Bounce-Up: Outpower Adversity, Boost Resilience, Rebound Higher makes an excellent gift for friends and colleagues. 

Mj Callaway

Mj Callaway works with organizations that want to boost their resiliency during disruptions while increasing productivity and profits. As an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and corporate trainer, Mj is known for building team momentum, shifting attitudes, converting key strategies into fun activities, and getting results. Results that increase revenue!


Issue 035: Are You Taking Life By the Horns?


Issue 033: Make it an Intentional Month