Issue 056: Will You Take the 1% Challenge

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

The month of May always triggers an accelerated growth mindset for me. It’s time to get a fresh outlook on a long-forgotten goal, take a step in a new direction, or expand a business idea. Maybe it’s the warmer weather, trees blooming, or the longer days of daylight that prompt action. So, what does May signify for you?

With this growth idea in mind, I’ve created a 1% Challenge for myself and hope you’ll join me. Yes? The overall goal is to take one small step every day to get 1% better than yesterday.

It’s a simple Mj spinoff plan from one of my favorite books Atomic Habit.

  • Start small with a goal, then break it into bite-size actions. Focus on one step at a time. Amazon didn’t jump into selling everything all at once. Amazon tackled online book purchase and delivery first.

  • Choose one small step you will take toward your goal. Make it a small doable goal that you can accomplish. For example, call one prospect each day for the next 30 days to fill your pipeline.

  • Decide what time of day you will take action. Choose a specific time of day as a trigger. For example, after making coffee, you will write 250 words for the business book you started a year ago.

  • Stick to it. Do it every single day to make it a good habit. When you can’t see significant transformations, you think it isn’t working, and you might skip a day or two. “Today, I’ll skip my social media marketing. It’s only one day.” Making that same single decision in the wrong direction can become a habit that takes you off track. On the other hand, a single proactive decision can transform your life.

  • Track your progress. Once you’ve accomplished your one small step, mark it on a calendar, in your phone notes, or on a favorite app. For example, one writer colleague puts a sticker on her wall calendar each day she completes her one small action to hit her contract deadline.

  • Evaluate what is working and what isn’t. You can evaluate at the end of the day or the end of the week. Why was it easier to accomplish today? What got in the way? Going back to my days with the national builder, I constantly evaluated my conversations to determine what worked and what didn’t. That process dramatically improved my sales numbers.

In our May 1% Challenge, we’ll focus on a tiny step daily, and we’ll commit to it. Building momentum is the decision to get 1% percent better today, tomorrow, and next week. Let’s do it!

Bounce-Up Momentum Builders:

  1. What do you want to improve?

  2. What is one small step you can take?

  3. How will you track your progress?

Mj Happenings:

  • I am thrilled to be a featured guest on Empowering You TV Show hosted by Denise Galloni and sponsored by BPTV.

Until next time, Power-Up, Play-Up, and Bounce-Up!


P.S. Share your one small step with me and tag me on social media. Post it in the Bounce-Up Community Facebook Group

Mj Callaway

Mj Callaway works with organizations that want to boost their resiliency during disruptions while increasing productivity and profits. As an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and corporate trainer, Mj is known for building team momentum, shifting attitudes, converting key strategies into fun activities, and getting results. Results that increase revenue!


Issue 057: What’s Your “If only,” “When,” or “I can’t”?


Issue 055: How Do You Get Off a Plateau?