Issue 057: What’s Your “If only,” “When,” or “I can’t”?

Life is looking good with the restrictions lifted. Yay! However, to grow and move forward, sometimes we need to go back. Most of us had actions we wanted to take but couldn’t due to the mandates. In this short video (under 5 min.), let’s talk about what your choice will be now that we’re turning a corner. 


“Words are meaningless without intent to follow through.”
- Unknown

Bounce-Up™ Momentum Builders

  1. What statement resonated with you?

  2. What did you want to do during the pandemic that you couldn’t?

  3. What is your intent moving forward?

Mj Happenings

  • I’m humbled and honored to have been named one of the top five guests on the international Change Your Mindset Podcast.

  • My website makeover will be ready to go in June. Thank you, Amy!

Until next time, Power-Up, Play-Up, and Bounce-Up!


P.S. For my website makeover, I need photos (taken with a camera) of you holding one of my books, please. TIA

Mj Callaway

Mj Callaway works with organizations that want to boost their resiliency during disruptions while increasing productivity and profits. As an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and corporate trainer, Mj is known for building team momentum, shifting attitudes, converting key strategies into fun activities, and getting results. Results that increase revenue!


Issue 058: This #1 Enemy Can Sabotage You


Issue 056: Will You Take the 1% Challenge