Issue 058: This #1 Enemy Can Sabotage You

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Do you feel like you’re busting out of a box with the pandemic restrictions lifted? It feels like a fresh start, right?

After being in “limbo” for so long, it’s time to fulfill all those wishes you mentioned over the past few months. Yet, there’s one thing that could get in the way of making reality out of those plans. And it isn’t COVID-19.

It’s your #1 enemy. So what’s the #1 enemy that sabotages your goals, growing your business, or hitting the trigger on the project you talked about for years?

Two little words. Comfort zone.

Your comfort zone creates fear. If you stay inside your comfort zone, you’re safe. Unfortunately, your comfort zone is like quicksand that pulls you back in it whenever you want to take action. The longer you sit and think about what you want to do, the bigger the risk becomes in your mind. And the less likely you are to move forward.

Stepping out of your comfort zone is a risk. It’s a risk because you might fail, get rejected, or make the wrong decision. You think about posting a coveted goal on social media, contacting the CEO from a Fortune 500 company who is your ideal client, or admitting you need help.

What if you fail? What if you get rejected? What if no one helps?

That’s your comfort zone talking. At one time, every single daily action you take right now was something new you hadn’t tried before. The only thing stopping you from achieving success is letting your comfort zone stop you from taking action.

Bounce-Up Success Actions

  1. Make your action plan public. Announce it to your friends, colleagues, or networking group. Post it on social. “This week, I’m starting the first chapter of my book.”

  2. Assign a date to take the first step. For example, on the first of the month, I will make five sales calls a week.

  3. Get a check-in partner. Create a weekly check-in process with a goal-oriented colleague to stay on track.

  4. Hire a trainer/consultant. A trainer or consultant can offer strategies and tips to make your journey easier.

  5. Go all in! Own it like Michael. When Michael Jordan ran onto the court, he owned it. He believed in his ability and his game. 

The magic of growth starts outside that comfort zone quicksand.

Bounce-Up Momentum Builders

  1. What is on your wish list to accomplish?

  2. What “quicksand” is holding you back?

  3. What do you need to do to “see it, believe it, plan it, and do it”?

Mj Happenings

  • Look for the new complimentary Masterclass happening in June.

  • Girls L.E.A.P. Podcast interviewed me about business strategies this week. I’ll post the link when it goes live.

Until next time, Power-Up, Play-Up, and Bounce-Up!


P.S. Hit reply to share your action plan or post it in the Bounce-Up Community group.

Mj Callaway

Mj Callaway works with organizations that want to boost their resiliency during disruptions while increasing productivity and profits. As an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and corporate trainer, Mj is known for building team momentum, shifting attitudes, converting key strategies into fun activities, and getting results. Results that increase revenue!


Issue 059: Is it time for a toxic audit?


Issue 057: What’s Your “If only,” “When,” or “I can’t”?