Issue 008: Disappointment Sparks a Celebration

    “Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.”
    – John Wooden

This week, June 8th–15th,  I would be touring Ireland had the virus not swept throughout the world. As a gift to myself, this trip would celebrate bouncing-up during the second Pink Pumpkin diagnosis. During my Ireland travels, I would meet family members for the first time. As the weeks passed, it was a forgone conclusion: Ireland wouldn’t happen this year. You’ve probably experienced your share of cancelations or postponements, too. Like many people, disappointment hit.

Okay, a trip to Ireland is delayed. The celebration doesn’t have to be canceled. How could I celebrate during what would be my Ireland travel days? What could I get locally or order that represented Ireland? How could I improvise with what I could get?

Watching how people found amazing ways to celebrate milestones propelled my mission. Fire departments visited neighborhoods. Families organized birthday convoys. Event planner Tonya Edinger planned immersion celebrations, while one Utah DJ social-distance entertained residents in the middle of a cul-de-sac.

Excited, I pulled from my event marketing days. Events with a theme generated more excitement. With that idea, the “8 Days of Ireland from Pittsburgh, PA” kicked off.

In creating a list of “Ireland” possibilities, I reminisced about my travels to Irish Festivals held in the U.S. Music, books, food, and drinks had hit the list. S-l-o-w-l-y, I started learning Irish through Duolingo. On one of my Ireland Travelers Facebook groups, I asked for suggestions. From the post, other would-be Ireland holidaymakers created their own version of the 8 Days of Ireland. And a dozen of us have organized a sláinte gathering via Zoom (I did have Harp delivered. I can hear the Guinness fans groan. 😊)

As I focused on improvising with what I could get or do, that focus created excitement again. While life had changed the original plans for this trip, I’ll get to celebrate twice—from Pittsburgh now and from Ireland in 2021.

  1. Is there a celebration you were excited about, which has been canceled?

  2. Have you found a creative way to improvise a postponed event?

  3. What gift can you give to yourself that gets you excited?

Until next time, sláinte and have a Bounce-Up day!


P.S. “You can get tons of great ideas for managing day-to-day problems and challenges from the chapters. I recommend Bounce-Up™ to anyone and everyone.” Amazon verified reviewer, Linda S. Meier had to say about Bounce-Up™: Outpower Adversity, Boost Resilience, Rebound Higher.

Mj Callaway

Mj Callaway works with organizations that want to boost their resiliency during disruptions while increasing productivity and profits. As an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and corporate trainer, Mj is known for building team momentum, shifting attitudes, converting key strategies into fun activities, and getting results. Results that increase revenue!


Issue 009: When Creativity and Engagement Meet


Issue 007: One Technique to Develop Unshakability